Sunday, March 23, 2014

Welcome to Modern Brew of the Day

Hi guys!

Welcome to the Modern Brew of the Day, a Magic the Gathering blog where all things jank are born, and we try to ruin the meta game at your local card shop.

This blog is the love child of a small group of friends in central PA, who all have a passion for the Modern format, and varying degrees of card knowledge to back it up.  The goal of the blog is a simple, if ambitious post a new deck idea once a day, every day.   Sometimes they'll be serious decks that we think can compete at the highest level, and sometimes they'll just be utter lunacy.

To meet this goal, I have assembled a crack team of authors.  These are the first days of this blog, and this list is sure to grow, but i'd like to take a second to introduce the team we have so far.

David Ozalas (@ ) I started playing during the Ice Age and stopped after the mistake that was the Urza's Block combo nightmare. I started back up during Innistrad which lent it self nicely to picking up Modern. When I first started playing, there was nothing but brews because posting decklists on the internet wasn't really a thing yet. Back then, building your own deck was synonymous with playing Magic. If you copied a deck you weren't really playing the game. I bring that same attitude to this blog. I'm Johnny enough to brew a new deck and Spike enough that it can win your local FNM.

Mason Sokol (@ Poggydude ) More info coming soon.

Ryan Fisher (@rpf5029) More info coming soon.

Corey Mckay (@ ) More info coming soon.

Eddie Slimak (@jeslimak ) More info coming soon.

Marshall Biever (@ ) My name is Marshall Biever and I started playing magic during Shards of Alara. I love the modern format due to the combination of powerful cards, unexplored territory and extremely interactive games. My tier 1 deck of choice is Tarmo Twin, but I love to brew up all sorts of decks. I will be mostly focusing on brews that I believe actually have a shot at being real decks, because as much as I love doing fun things, I also like to win! With that in mind, part of what I'll focus on will be taking existing strategies and changing them to fight what's popular.

Timothy Taylor (@ ) More info coming soon.

Michael Egolf (@Bonkarooni) That's me!.  I'm actually the most casual player of our group, with very little experience in big tournaments such as GPs.  I do have a love of all things aggro though, and will be doing my best to come up with new ideas for you to play around with at FNMs.

Well guys, we're going to get the whole ball rolling tomorrow, and see how long we can keep it going for.  Hope you enjoy!


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