Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Troll Tuesday: Blue-White Blinkers, Round 2.

Hey guys, Mike here again with another edition of Troll Tuesday. For the first time, i'm actually going to sit down and show you what I can do with one of my decks to make it a little more competitive. To see the first edition of this deck, click here.

The new list: 4 Serum Visions 4 Path of Exile 3 Wall of Omens 4 Remand 3 Geist of Saint Traft 4 Akroma, Angel of Fury 3 Blade Splicer 4 Restoration Angel 4 Cloudshift 3 Kitchen Finks 2 Celestial Colonnade 4 Hallowed Fountain 2 Glacial Fortress 4 Marsh Flats 4 Misty Rainforest 4 Island 3 Plains SB: 2 Rest in Peace SB: 2 Stony Silence SB: 2 Ghostly Prison SB: 2 Spellskite SB: 3 Vendillion Clique SB: 4 Negate
To give you a little bit of background information, I took the first version of this deck to our local FNM.  I ended up going 1-3 with it, although all of my losing rounds ended up being 1-2.  While I think the deck was slightly better then 1-3, I did learn a few things.

1: When I get Akroma to flip, I usually win the game.
2: Venser is good vs Melira Pod, but pretty awful vs almost everything else.
3: 4 Geists/Blade Splicers might be a bit of overkill.
4: Meddling Mage, while funny, dies too easily and just isn't very strong.

Okay, so there are only a few changes here, so i'll start with the biggest.
This may be a bit less trolly then Venser was, but it allows me to play my Morph on turn 4, and know that it is relatively safe.  Watching my Akroma die to a Lightning Bolt before she ever had a chance to flip was a little heartbreaking to say the least.

This card probably should of made the first cut of the deck, but at the time I was convinced that Blade Splicers were the way to go.  I think having this bad boy as part of my line up makes the deck better vs a good many things, and a 3/2 for 3 is still pretty aggressive.

This is another way to protect my morph.  It also hates spell based combo decks a good bit, so it was an easy inclusion.

Sorry for the short article today, but there isn't too much to report on here.  I will say that, despite going 1-3, the first edition of this deck was a blast to play.  If you want to have fun at your local FNM and get a lot of weird looks, I totally suggest putting it together.  I'm going to build this version and take it to the next event I can, and will come back with even more tweaks and changes after!  See ya!

1 comment:

  1. I play a similar deck for multiplayer, since it's multiplayer it can do with some extra mana. I usually augment Modern decks to play in my multiplayer group because the power level is usually around that. Do you have any suggestions for adapting this deck to multiplayer?
