Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Troll Tuesday: Blue-White Blinkers

Hey guys, Mike here with another addition of Troll Tuesday.  This deck might be a little more straight up than usual, but I think some of the cards we play are wacky enough to include it in this column.

This is a deck idea that I have sat on for awhile now, and I really have to thank Channel Fireball for helping me come up with a win condition.

I can show you the world...

Here's the deck I stole her from, and without further ado...my current list.

Blue-White Blinkers

4 Serum Visions 4 Path of Exile 4 Wall of Omens 4 Remand 4 Geist of Saint Traft 4 Akroma, Angel of Fury 4 Blade Splicer 4 Restoration Angel 2 Stonehorn Dignitary 4 Venser, the Sojourner 2 Celestial Colonnade 4 Hallowed Fountain 2 Glacial Fortress 4 Marsh Flats 4 Misty Rainforest 4 Island 4 Plains SB: 3 Rest in Peace SB: 2 Stony Silence SB: 2 Ghostly Prison SB: 2 Spellskite SB: 3 Vendilion Clique SB: 3 Meddling Mage
Now, you're going to look at this and go "Uhh...blue white, no Cryptic Command, no Snapcaster Mage?" and then call me crazy.  Well...

You may be right, we may be crazy.  But we just might be the lunatics you're lookin' for..

These two trolls haven't really had a chance to hang out since the end of Scars block Standard, but i'm bringing them back for the reunion tour.  The idea here is pretty simple, land a turn four Dignitary, and a turn five Venser, and your opponent can never attack again.  Ever.  

That is, if the game even ends up lasting that long.

Restoration Angel by herself can win you games, but when she either blinks a Geist of Saint Traft, letting him swing without repercussions, or turns your 2/2 morph into a giant angel (That oddly has protection the two colors you've decided to play) she's really going to give you value.  There's also a Wall of Omens to blink for value.

This deck has gone through a lot of changes through the past couple of weeks, and I honestly think I may of ended up on the worse version.  Cards like Snapcaster Mage/Kitchen Finks are both great blink targets, and were in the deck to begin with, but they just didn't quite fit with my vision.  I'm always the type of player that wants to punch you in the face, instead of durdle around and try to win a longer game.

As far as sideboard, I think it's pretty simple.  Our weakness is going to be combo decks (Which I find hilarious for a blue white build).  The Rest in Peace is there for graveyard/storm, Stony Silence for Affinity, Ghostly Prison for aggro/twin. Spellskite is also for twin, but can also jump in vs things that burn you, and Bogles.  

Hey! Listen! How didn't I make the maindeck!?

Vendilion Clique gets combo pieces out of their hand, and we can blink her for awesome value.  She was actually a main deck card for awhile, and may end up earning her spot back there soon.

There are a lot of options for the final sideboard.  I personally think Meddling Mage is the most versatile card you could put there, and it goes well with the theme of the deck.  Dispels seems fine though, as well as Mana Leak.  You could even add Kitchen Finks, if you're afraid of a lot of aggro decks being at your local store.  

There may be a better deck lying in the wait here. if you cut the dastardly duo up top and replace them with more real cards However, this is the build i'm (Fingers crossed for borrowing a few cards) taking to my next FNM.  If I get it together in time, I'll report back with how they end up doing together afterwards.

That's it for this week, thanks for reading!

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