Monday, April 28, 2014

Troll Tuesday: Blue White-Blinkers, Round 3

Hey guys, Bonkarooni here with another edition of Troll Tuesday.  I wanted to take the time to share my thoughts on the progression of my deck, Blue-White Blinkers, and where I want to go with it next.  I had another chance to test this recently, and while it seemed to play slightly better, I think that there is still some work to do.

Here's the list of Blue-White Blinkers, Round 2.

The new list

4 Serum Visions
4 Path of Exile
3 Snapcaster Mage
4 Remand
2 Mana Leak
3 Geist of Saint Traft
4 Akroma, Angel of Fury
4 Restoration Angel
1 Cryptic Command
4 Cloudshift
3 Kitchen Finks
2 Celestial Colonnade
4 Hallowed Fountain
2 Glacial Fortress
4 Marsh Flats
4 Misty Rainforest
4 Island
3 Plains
SB: 2 Rest in Peace
SB: 2 Stony Silence
SB: 2 Ghostly Prison
SB: 2 Spellskite
SB: 3 Vendillion Clique
SB: 4 Negate

Couple of things I realized after playing this deck a bit more.
1: Wall of Omens isn't really helpful.
2: Too many three drops, not enough two drops.
3: Snapcaster Mage

So, when I first made this deck, Snapcaster Mage didn't actually have enough targets in my graveyard to make him useful.  With the edition of Cloudshift, this little two drop became much better.  He is not very good on turn two, but he will be much better later in the game.

Sorry little lady, you don't make the cut.
After playing this deck a bit more, I felt like my hand was just getting too clogged with three drops.  While Blade Splicer still may be a decent addition to the deck, it felt like the least resilient creature I had. 

Oh look, this is also a blue card that is pretty good.

This card is an obvious bomb in most blue decks, and while I didn't feel like it made the cut, at this point i'm willing to try it as a one-of in the deck.  I'll see how it does when I draw it, and then take it from there.

I went from 1-3 to 2-2 with this deck when I made my first round of changes.  Can we make it to 3-1 with the next round of changes? How many more hundreds of dollars will I have to spend to have this deck work? Tune in for round 4 to find out!

Next week though, we'll go back to the drawing board with a new deck!

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