Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Troll Tuesday:Token from a God

Hey guys, Mike here again.  For this week on Troll Tuesday, i'm going to take a bit of a different spin on B/W Tokens. We're going to splash some red in to make things a little more spicy.  It all starts off with a man who has made Standard fun again for me.

Now, before you say "Hey Mike, you're making a three color deck, you're never going to have the devotion to turn this dude on." Just hold your horses, and look at the brew I've cooked up.

2 Terminate 4 Path of Exile 4 Lightning Bolt 3 Lightning Helix 4 Purphoros, God of the Forge 4 Thoughtseize 3 Bitterblossom 3 Goblin Assault 4 Spectral Procession 4 Lingering Souls 2 Intangible Virtue 4 Arid Mesa 4 Marsh Flats 4 Sacred Foundry 4 Godless Shrine 4 Blood Crypt 1 Mountain 1 Swamp 1 Plains SB: 2 Anger of the Gods SB: 3 Rakdos Charm SB: 2 Shatterstorm SB: 2 Lightning Helix SB: 3 Ghostly Prison SB: 3 Inquisition of Kozilek
                   I'm a decent source of infinite tokens                                            I'm not                                     

This deck has a pretty simple theme behind it.  Land a Purphoros, land either Goblin Assault or Bitterblossom, then sit back and watch as you ping them for two a turn, every turn.  So what if your 1/1 Goblin is getting himself killed every turn? He's still hitting for two damage each time he does it.  So what if Bitterblossom is pinging you for one life a turn, every turn, he does double that to your opponent.

To back up these two cards, I packed the deck full of removal, which red/black/white is full of.  If there are any creature based decks that scare you at your local FNM, this should take care of them no problem.  I included x3 Lightning Helix, because I feel like this deck might be a little suicidal with your own life total, feel free to swap in more Terminates if you disagree.

The sideboard choices for these three colors are endless.  I chose two Anger of the Gods, in case your meta has a lot of aggro decks.  Rakdos Charm is kind of a catch all, and I have fallen in love with this card.
Shatterstorm is a complete blowout vs Affinity, and with Rakdos Charm backing you up this should be more then enough to hate out that deck.

Ghostly Prison is more aggro hate, but also attacks Splinter Twin, and The Inquisitions+Thoughtseize main should be enough to attack spell based combo decks.  There are plenty of other choices for sideboard here, including the classic Stony Silence and Rest in Peace, so feel free to switch this up as you see fit.

That's all for this week.  On a related note, I ran my Venser Tempo deck at a recent FNM.  Very close games, but I ended up not doing so well overall.  I will type up a report on the event later, but I want to figure out how I am going to change the deck before I do that.  If you get a chance to test with this deck, please let me know how it went.  See you next Tuesday!

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